We’re inviting anyone interested in The Touring Network and our current performer / promoter members to come and say hi to the team at our monthly Network Meet-up!

Our next Meet-up will take place 3-6 Wednesday 12th December at La Tortilla, Inverness.  You can find the event on facebook here

Our Meet-ups are very informal, involve some light refreshments and 2 or 3 members of The Touring Network Team on hand to answer any questions, give advise or just for a nice face to face chat.

Let us know if you’d like to come along – we welcome members or non-members alike.

We will be hosting these informal meet-ups monthly (January Meet-up is planned to take place in Glasgow during Celtic Connections) – to read more about them and to get involved – read more here

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
01463 231328
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© 2014 The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands). Company Registration Number: SC214546. Charity Number: SC030983. | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions
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