Are you wanting a clearer picture of the impact, concerns and plans of venues who programme music, theatre, dance in the Highlands & Islands of Scotland?

Download our COVID Response, Resilience and Recovery Report here

“At the beginning of May, arts journalist, Lyn Gardner, wrote an article for The Stage that argued that rural touring ‘has a significant advantage in that it is small and nimble, and relies on a network of personal relationships and volunteers’. She went on to suggest that touring to small rural venues might be the answer to opening up the theatre sector again when it is safe to do so. 

Gardner’s article struck a chord and encouraged companies and artists to consider rural touring. However there was another view. Just as with opening up tourism and hospitality, the view from rural Scotland is more nuanced. Many communities in the Highlands and Islands have avoided the widespread outbreaks of COVID-19 and, while they want to welcome back visitors, open up businesses and have events in their village halls,it’s not as simple as that.

To find out more, The Touring Network has had regular discussions with a selection of our members from across the region including large and small, island and mainland promoters, and individual performers and companies. We have a picture of the level of activity across the Network pre-COVID; the impact of lockdown as it started; and then more in-depth reflections on concerns about emerging from lockdown when it is safe”

Message from our Chairs, Christine Hamilton and Simon Hart, on the launch of our COVID-19 Response, Resilience & Recovery Report. 

Download our COVID Response, Resilience and Recovery Report here

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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